It’s well after midnight. Ive got a 6 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow (today, technically!) and I believe The Wife AKA Facebook Publicist Machine AKA The Boss is rousing us sometime in the god-forsaken hours between 3AM and 4AM. I should be cuddled up next to her in bed! Instead, I’m sitting here in the dark, peering into my glowing computer monitor and drinking a Samuel Adams Summer Ale. Why, you ask? I’ll tell you!
It’s because I woke up this morning (yesterday morning, technically!) and saw that my novella, I, MINION, was sitting at the #21 spot in the Top 100 Paid Dark Fantasy at Amazon. Guess where it’s sitting now? No, not #25, though it did drop down to that number sometime around midnight. Try again? No? Well, alright. #15!!!! Yes, you heard that right….FIF MOTHA EFFIN TEEN!!!
We broke the Top 20, and when I say we, I don’t really mean we. I mean you. You did it. It’s because of you: Sharing facebook posts, and tagging pictures with I, MINION on your virtual bookshelves. It’s because of you taking the time out of your day to actually download a copy, read it, and then tell everyone you know that you loved it. This isn’t my success. It’s not even our success. It’s yours. So congratulations! I hope that I can live up to the standard you’ve set for me.
It’s been absolutely unreal these last couple of days. Each and every time someone has left a comment saying how much they loved the book it just…blows my mind. And then I go and peek at I, MINION on Amazon, and see that it’s climbing the charts. Well, it’s safe to say that I’m still not quite sure that I’m not dreaming.
It’s been a very humbling and encouraging couple of days. Thank you all, once again. I’d keep going but I finally feel sleep’s siren call, luring me in. MY BRAIN: Oh, you have to wake up at 4AM? Let’s keep you awake until the last possible second. That way you can make really good decisions and not be a grouchy prick to your wife.
Cheers, all! *downs beer*
It’s because I woke up this morning (yesterday morning, technically!) and saw that my novella, I, MINION, was sitting at the #21 spot in the Top 100 Paid Dark Fantasy at Amazon. Guess where it’s sitting now? No, not #25, though it did drop down to that number sometime around midnight. Try again? No? Well, alright. #15!!!! Yes, you heard that right….FIF MOTHA EFFIN TEEN!!!
We broke the Top 20, and when I say we, I don’t really mean we. I mean you. You did it. It’s because of you: Sharing facebook posts, and tagging pictures with I, MINION on your virtual bookshelves. It’s because of you taking the time out of your day to actually download a copy, read it, and then tell everyone you know that you loved it. This isn’t my success. It’s not even our success. It’s yours. So congratulations! I hope that I can live up to the standard you’ve set for me.
It’s been absolutely unreal these last couple of days. Each and every time someone has left a comment saying how much they loved the book it just…blows my mind. And then I go and peek at I, MINION on Amazon, and see that it’s climbing the charts. Well, it’s safe to say that I’m still not quite sure that I’m not dreaming.
It’s been a very humbling and encouraging couple of days. Thank you all, once again. I’d keep going but I finally feel sleep’s siren call, luring me in. MY BRAIN: Oh, you have to wake up at 4AM? Let’s keep you awake until the last possible second. That way you can make really good decisions and not be a grouchy prick to your wife.
Cheers, all! *downs beer*