I finally did it. About an hour ago, I submitted I, Minion to Amazon, B&N, iTunes, and Kobo. That means in less than 12 hours, people from all over the country will be able to read something that I created. Me. Lewis Dix. That big goofy bastard that you can barely understand. Yup! That’s right!
It’s been one hell of a ride, and I know that I couldn’t have done it without the love and support from my family and friends. To everyone that’s been there for me at one point or another along this incredible journey, I just want to say thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!
Being a writer, or any kind of artist really, is quite scary, when you think about it. You spend all this time pouring yourself into something – be it a book, a painting, or a song, and then you put it out there for the world to judge. Some of them will hate it. Some of them, if you’re lucky, will love it. Most probably won’t even care. But the fact of the matter is you’re exposing yourself to people you don’t even know.
It’s like pulling your pants down in front of the entire world. At first you’re all like, “MY JUNK IS HUGE” and you whip it out like nobody’s business. But once it’s out there, you start to second guess yourself. You start to think “Oh shit…is it really?” You can only hope that the world agrees with you. Or that they, at the very least, keep it in perspective. “Well, it’s big for his height.”
My junk is out there, people. In the coming days/weeks I’ll talk about the lessons learned. And in the meantime, I’ll figure out how I can plug this blurb into my product description:
“This amateur writer guy that I hang out with on rare occasions very rare occasions and mostly says inappropriate things more than appropriate things, finally came out with a book. If you are really desperate and lonely and want to read a new book maybe you can read this one. But you’ll probably be disappointed.” - My good friend Theresa